The Weekender: Doug Ford, His Brother’s Taker


Here’s an idea: the next time Doug Ford says, “Come over to my house, I have something important to say,” the press should get more details first. Like last year’s “announcement” that he would *not* be seeking the leadership of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative party, Doug Ford’s annual special non-announcement was that he’s written a book. Or rather it was a joint effort. Apparently, Ford’s dear departed brother Rob spent a portion of his last days co-penning the definitive tome of his political career called Ford Nation: Two Brothers, One Vision – The True Story of the People’s Mayor. Doug calls it the truth. The Star’s Rosie DiManno called it “revenge porn.” I call it a sad attempt to stay relevant by the less-talented brother. Continue reading “The Weekender: Doug Ford, His Brother’s Taker”

Rob Ford “Crack Video” Finally Revealed


We won’t have much time to talk about it on the show today (not that there’s really anything left to say), but the infamous video that Rob Ford once famously said that he had “never seen or does not exist” is now available for all to see. With the charges this morning dropped against Ford’s friend and sometimes driver, Alexander “Sandro” Lisi, who allegedly tried to bribe and brass knuckle his way to the tape after the website Gawker revealed its existence, the most famous video of a Canadian mayor is now online and as easy to see as your nearest YouTube embed. Continue reading “Rob Ford “Crack Video” Finally Revealed”

The Weekender: We Shouldn’t Be Mocking Patrick Brown, But Encouraging Him


Beneath the pomp and circumstance and celebrity spotting at this week’s Washington D.C. visit by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, there was an actual substantive announcement between the head of Canada’s government and U.S. President Barack Obama. Called the “U.S.-Canada Joint Statement on Climate, Energy, and Arctic Leadership”, it set goals for implementing the Paris Agreement, co-ordinating domestic climate action, advancing climate action globally, establishing co-operation on clean energy, and for initiating a shared Arctic leadership model. Given the importance of such an agreement one would think that pro-climate action politicians would be giving a hand to politicians that announce their intention to contribute. And you would be wrong. Continue reading “The Weekender: We Shouldn’t Be Mocking Patrick Brown, But Encouraging Him”

Careful With That Knife, Kathleen



Everyone becomes a little bit socialist in a Canadian hospital emergency ward. I don’t know of a single incident of someone spending time in The Emerge who said “please let me pay for this” at the end of it. Those that have the means generally don’t settle for regular care but if a Lamborghini has collided with a Corolla and everyone is bloodied and unconscious, they all end up in the closest ER regardless. That is the key concept of our universal system; we are hopefully all given the same degree of quality care and you will not be billed whether you are of the one percent or homeless. There is usually a fee for the ambulance and a shake down to pay for parking but the service itself is mostly free, for now. If you want to keep it that way, you will need to fight for it at…

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By-Election Called in Whitby-Oshawa


While everything seems to have settled from last October’s Federal Election, the people of Whitby-Oshawa are about to catch election fever all over again, this time in a provincial way. The Liberal government officially called the race to replace former Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Christine Elliott Wednesday, and the election date is set for February 11. Continue reading “By-Election Called in Whitby-Oshawa”

Racism Accusations Chase Mississauga “Stop The Mosque” Effort


Throughout the last several months of the campaign there have been accusations of overt racism from all corners, but sometimes we’re confronted with the more direct kind. This is apparently the case in Mississauga where a simple rezoning meeting seems to have blown up in full display of some of the ugliness of our beloved suburban enclaves. Continue reading “Racism Accusations Chase Mississauga “Stop The Mosque” Effort”

Him? Yes, Somehow, Patrick Brown is the Leader of Ontario’s PCs


Several weeks ago, I wrote about the chances of Barrie MP Patrick Brown becoming leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party and largely dismissed them. Surely, the PCs of our fair province wouldn’t go for the remix version of Tim Hudak over someone with the experience, tact, and legacy of Christine Elliott? I guess I don’t know Ontario PCs as well as I thought I did.

Winning handily by a margin of 61.8 per cent to 38.2 per cent, Brown now has the unenviable task of in just three short years rebuilding the PC Party in Ontario and making them election ready to unseat the ruling Liberals, who will likely still be lead by the Premier, Kathleen Wynne, in 2018. But the question is, can a federal backbencher with a decade-long career having seemingly done nothing to distinguish himself hope to combat two veteran provincial politicians on their own ground? Especially when he doesn’t have a seat in Queen’s Park yet? Continue reading “Him? Yes, Somehow, Patrick Brown is the Leader of Ontario’s PCs”