Open Sources Show Notes for Thursday April 30, 2015

Brian Jean,  David Swann, Jim Prentice, Rachel Notley

After taking a couple of weeks to do some special episodes about Earth Day and an interview with the Mayor, Open Sources Guelph gets back to talking about the issues, and there is so much to talk about. With elections abroad, elections at home, and elections still to come, there’s also the matter of social justice issues to consider, as our First Nations people and homeless populations face old problems that remain, as ever, unsolved. Continue reading “Open Sources Show Notes for Thursday April 30, 2015”

Open Sources Show Notes for Thursday April 23, 2015


In October 2014, Cam Guthrie was given a promotion by the voters of Guelph from Ward 4 city councillor to mayor. His campaign message of limited tax increases and fiscal transparency resonated with people, and as a result he was handed a decisive victory over incumbent mayor Karen Farbridge. But winning an election in one thing, being the city’s chief representative, advocate and ambassador is another bailiwick entirely. Now, just over six months since his election win, Mayor Cam Guthrie will join Open Sources Guelph for an hour of frank (and hopefully fun) discussion about his last 100 some-odd days on the job, and the challenges facing him and Guelph’s city council for the next few years. Continue reading “Open Sources Show Notes for Thursday April 23, 2015”

6 Months to Election Day


Exactly six months from now, Canadians will go to the polls to elect a new federal government. Already, each of the major parties is telling us that this will be the most important election in Canadian history, and although the more meta-aware candidates recognize that this line is said almost every election year, could they be actually right this time? There are 30 new seats up for grabs thanks to the re-configuration of district lines, making a majority sweep just a little bit harder to achieve. On the issues, there’s the Stephen Harper legacy, whether or not a balanced budget is enough to make people forget the myriad of scandals his government’s incurred over the last decade. And the Opposition, is Thomas Mulcair’s prosecutorial method of holding the government in line going to keep the Orange Crush crushing, or is the face of youth and vitality in Justin Trudeau going to be more appealing? Continue reading “6 Months to Election Day”

Open Sources Show Notes for Thursday April 16, 2015


Since 1970, the 22nd of April has been known as a time to stop and think about our effect on the planet and all the damage we have wrought on it. It’s Earth Day, and Open Sources Guelph is choosing to celebrate (so to speak) by dedicating a whole show to issues of the environment. In the news this week we’re running out of water to drink, and air to breathe, but there are politicians actually working to try and undo some of the damage. The question is though, are we too late? Continue reading “Open Sources Show Notes for Thursday April 16, 2015”

Open Sources/RadiOPIRG Interview with Michael Harris


Michael Harris recent book Party of One is a thorough and vicious dissection of the nine years of governance by Stephen Harper and Conservative Party of Canada. From robocalls, to veterans affairs, to the muzzling of scientists and the disenfranchisement of loyal and dedicated public servants, Harris leaves no stone unturned to make sure the reader’s convinced that Harper and Company have been up to no good for the past decade.

Not convinced yet? Well, Harris is coming to Guelph on April 19 at Harcourt United Church courtesy of Fair Vote Guelph to tell you in person. In anticipation, Open Sources Guelph with RadiOPIRG got the chance to interview Harris by phone from Ottawa about his work on Party of One, his ongoing coverage of the Harper government, and what the future and the upcoming election might hold. Continue reading “Open Sources/RadiOPIRG Interview with Michael Harris”

Abraham Lincoln Died 150 Years Ago Today


At 2 am this morning, 150 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln succumbed to the gunshot wound inflicted on him by the actor John Wilkes Booth during a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theater. The American Civil War had ended just days earlier, and given Booth’s allegiance with the Confederacy as a staunch anti-abolitionist, Lincoln’s death was seen essentially as the last casualty of the war. According to legend, War Secretary Edwin Stanton marked the moment with the line, “Now he belongs to the ages,” which seems prescient given how Lincoln always finishes first or second in polls about what president is people’s favourite, or most influential. Continue reading “Abraham Lincoln Died 150 Years Ago Today”

EDITORIAL – The PCs Can’t Win Ontario By Doubling Down on Tea Party Politics


Monte McNaughton pulled the plug on his campaign to be leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario last week, which is okay because really the biggest name he had on his side was one Robert Bruce Ford. “I’m tired of seeing the same-old, same-old people running our party — that’s why we haven’t won an election since 1999,” said the Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MPP after stepping down. Here’s the problem, neither McNaughton, nor that man that has received his endorsement, Patrick Brown, exactly represent the new-different, new-different voice that McNaughton was referring to. Continue reading “EDITORIAL – The PCs Can’t Win Ontario By Doubling Down on Tea Party Politics”